Friday, May 1, 2009

".My night has become a sunny dawn because of you."

Chapter 32 - Mom

Isabelle got up with a smile on her face. She hummed graciously while descending the stairs. Her mother looked up with a curious expression on her face.

"You look happy."
"It's such a wonderful day, Don't you think?"
"Yeah, sure; but there's something else"

Isabelle didn't mind her mother's statement, she strode swiftly to eat her breakfast. She woke up a little bit earlier than usual and her movements were happier. Her mind was still on last night's encounter with Miguel. His brown, attractive eyes. Her heart melted and beat faster. Her lips turned into a smile. Her mother eyed her suspiciously.

"So how's school?"
"Great! A little bit loaded with assignments, but other than that. It's Wonderful!"
"School, wonderful? You're acting strange."
"The weather maybe?". Isabelle tried to make her voice sound even. Her mother didn't buy it.
"Hung - out with some boy lately?"
"No. Not really. Nobody in school really attracts me" Except maybe one she thought.
"I'm sure. Gotta go take a bath now."

Isabelle strode with the same gracious steps, with a little edginess now. Her mother gave her a curios smile; but waved it away.


(based on a true story of my friend)